
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012


  • cacing (cucaeeng) - cacing - worm
  • candhak (cundhuk) - tertangkap - caught (strong D)
  • cangkem (cungkam) - mulut - mouth (rough language/low level language)
  • cengkir (cangkeer) - kelapa muda (sangat muda) - baby coconut
  • codot (codot) - kelelawar - bat 
  • cubluk (cooblook) - tertinggal/mengarah ke bodoh - illiterate (this used to express people who do not know anything much, the meaning is almost "stupid" but it is not stupid, just do not trained well)
  • cukup (cookoop) - cukup - enough (low level language)

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